Me vs. The Universe; Who's Really Getting Sh*t Done?
When I look over my life and some of its greatest accomplishments, not all of it came through striving. A lot of it came through serendipitous occurrences. A large ratio of that purported greatness just landed in my lap––just mysteriously showed up. Though my ego wants to believe that all of my hard work brought about my greatest feats, it’s just not true. Did you hear that? It’s just not true.
I repeat that statement for you to hear and for my ego to hear as well.
Most of my life has been me banging on Door #1 with persistent determinism and suddenly Door #2 opened––with a party in my honor lurking behind it––with streaming banners draping from the rafters donning my name in gold metallic lettering. Weird, right? Yeah, it astounds me too––continuously.
It has all brought me to a kind of intellectual surrender––a new available view. I’m learning that life operates by its own mysterious laws––perhaps laws we are still not privy to.
Doesn’t it seem that every other day the world of quantum physics is being turned upside down with yet another newly discovered oddity of how the world works? Most of those discoveries defy logic and destroy previously held scientific conclusions. And I’m here saying the following…
Perhaps all of those new logic defying oddities are not all just about dark matter or cosmological anomalies. Perhaps some of that skull scratching astonishment has to do with 'us' and the way stuff happens in our everyday human lives––including GETTING STUFF DONE. I’m convinced we are a piece of mental/physical machinery much more complex than we ever assumed. Well… Okay, if you’re not, I know I am. There’s all kinds of weird unexplained sh*t popping off in my life, on the daily. And that has me thinking. A lot, actually.
Perhaps a lot of our action is vanity and a lot of our ‘having’ in life comes from a different scientific reality we do not yet understand, accept or recognize.
It is highly possible we’ve been operating ourselves (and our lives of being, doing, pursuing and having) from quite Neanderthal methods instead of from the high technological possibility we truly are as 'creational' gadgetry. Perhaps a lot of our action is vanity and a lot of our ‘having’ in life comes from a different scientific reality we do not yet understand, accept or recognize. But I do not think we are ready to admit how much of our lives is flowing from this ‘grace space.’ We love to think we are in control of things. Don’t we?
If I knew more about this “serendipitous acquiring” science in life, I could make a larger space of allowing for it to happen more often as opposed to my seemingly outdated method of hard efforting––which I now think, ironically, pushes a lot of what we want away. That means I’m recognizing my previous ways of doing and acquiring have been counterproductive––especially compared to what means of productivity might be available to me.
I’m starting to believe that as a species we have some new thinking to do. Lots of it.
I’m starting to think we are more like a man who wakes up from a century long coma, hops into an airplane cockpit, then drives the plane around all day like a big car––because no one ever told him the damned thing could fly. And it’s not like he’d believe you if you did. And in blissful ignorance, this guy cruises the open highway from N.Y. to L.A. on a 3-day ground trip that could have been accomplished in 5 hours of flight. I’m really starting to think this guy is us. I’m really starting to think we live in this same blissful ignorance with no idea of the extra curricular capabilities lurking in the sciences of our own creation––undiscovered and untaught. This is just where we are in the 21st century––absolutely Neanderthalic and absolutely absurd compared to where we’ll be in the 51st century in new understanding. It’s just the natural order of the progression of knowledge.
1. FIRE was available to us long before we knew how to spark it.
2. ELECTRICITY existed long before we discovered it.
3. The physics and capability of aeronautical FLIGHT existed even while we rode horses and covered wagons.
4. The 0’s and 1’s of digital technology and the conductivity of silicon existed since the beginning.
So WHAT ELSE is available NOW beyond our awareness? The point is this––our “collective dumbness” to the available sciences which are already operational, waiting on us, waiting in us, or waiting around us in our universe, or waiting as us in our anatomical ability, does not preclude its RIGHT NOW existence. Never forget that.
The lives we live contain much more mystery than we are willing to acknowledge. As my own personal arrogance about it dissipates, I’m beginning to find that we operate ‘as’ and within a broader space of ‘manifestational’ magic than we know. And when we become more familiar with the explained sciences that cause it, we will no longer need to label it as magic. It will just be yet another way the unfolding complexity of this Universe works––now made apparent––to our ever developing eyes.
I can now admit that not everything gets done by the effort of my hand. The greatest things seem to happen via another plane of reality––and yet and still––by my request somehow. I'm a witness. Over and over again. Something in me is getting things done in newer and newer ways. I look forward to the day science has a name for it. Until then, let the magic flow.