Chronic Dehydration: The Thirsty Walking Dead We Are

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They say, ‘Where there is no water there is no life.’  And if there is no water in you, what exactly does that mean?

If you're one of the reported millions of chronically dehydrated Americans (who do not know they are chronically dehydrated) that might be the reason you’ve been feeling a bit tired, achy, moody, and downright ‘cadaverish’ these days.  No need to Google ‘cadaverish’.  That just means kinda really dead.

We seem to forget that water is the core, key, main and essential ingredient to the kind of life forms we are.  That means it’s really important.  Google ‘important.’

It should be no wonder why the one element space explorers are fiendishly searching for, in their quest to find life and intelligent life on other planets, is H2O.  That's because the terms ‘water’ and ‘life’ might as well be synonyms.  

We seem to forget that water is the core, key, main and essential ingredient to the kind of life forms we are.  That means it’s really important.  Google ‘important.’  

Health gurus, ancient and modern, have all professed the critical importance of adequate hydration for human bodies to work properly.  Even the nonchalant health enthusiast has heard the human body is normally composed of up to three quarters water vs. one quarter fiber.  Translated, this means, without water, you’re just one skinny clump of 'human beef jerky.' 

As disgusting as the thought ‘human beef jerky’ sounds, according to statistics, a lot of you might be slowly becoming 'jerky' inside with each passing day.  And it’s all from refusing to drink the proper amount of pure H2O needed to keep your body and its organs functioning properly.  

If you’re suffering from constant headaches, that may actually be a “thirsty brain” in the process of becoming a raisin in your skull.  Nice, right?

Many of the nuisance disease and health maladies Americans suffer from, daily, can be directly traced right back to one originating problem –– lack of water –– chronic dehydration.


Here’s a checklist: 


• If you’re suffering from constant headaches, that may actually be a “thirsty brain” in the process of becoming a raisin in your skull.  Nice, right?


• If foul breath is ruining your friendships and love life, it may be directly due to your dried out intestines lacking enough water to flush the old, rotting sewage out.  


• If your skin is constantly peeling, cracked, and dry with an ash like appearance, slathering exterior lotion isn't really going to help.  You need lubricating on the inside.  They call that kind of lotion "water."  


• Unbeknownst to most, even painful muscle cramping is often just the result of your dehydrated muscles constricting into a new flavor of ‘Slim Jim’ –– going from plum to prune right inside your body. 




That's just small stuff.  But a lot of huge body malfunctions are spurred on by undiagnosed chronic dehydration as well.  It's a domino effect.  

I'll admit, I've had my bouts with spells of dehydration from forgetting to drink water.  They were not pretty, nor fun.

You need to change the water in your tank, often.  Your body is that tank.  Drinking enough pure water and properly eliminating through the colon, bladder and sweat glands, daily, is that cleansing.  Without this, your body becomes a cesspool inside –– technically, a 'disease magnet.' 




I'll admit, I've had my bouts with spells of dehydration from forgetting to drink water.  They were not pretty, nor fun.  

Confessed workaholic that I am, I would unconsciously go so long without drinking water –– rushing through my days, wondering why it felt like everything in me was shutting down.  

Random pains and problems started happening for seemingly no reason.  This would go on for days, with me in a daze about what the hell was wrong. Then, suddenly, after days and days in daze, the clouds would finally part. 

In a brief reprieve from stupidity an intuitive lightbulb would go off in the middle of the night saying, "Drink water now."  In so much pain and discomfort, I'd do it.  I'd gorge on it.  Five hours later, or less, pains and problems "miraculously" gone?  No.  There was no miracle about it.  It was just the miracle of me being so idiotic for so long to forget the fundamental element of my body –– water.

We're extra busy sucking down carbonated sugar syrups called sodas, fruit drink beverages that neither have true fruit nor should we drink, liver killing alcohol, kidney killing energy boost drinks, and addict forming mocha latte' liquid caffeine.

We humans say we understand the vital importance of water to our overall health, but we certainly don’t act like it.  Which is just one of the many reasons I’m not yet convinced we’re truly “intelligent life” ourselves.  And this makes sense, considering water is usually found where there is life and intelligent life.  And most Americans are as water-less as the planets we’re searching.  No water = No life.  No drinking the water = No intelligent life.

Not to bust your dry, dehydrated chops, here, but, what’s up with us? 

We attempt to hydrate on literally everything but that core life giving element that is the establisher of life itself.  We're extra busy sucking down carbonated sugar syrups called sodas, fruit drink beverages that neither have true fruit nor should we drink, liver killing alcohol, kidney killing energy boost drinks, and addict forming mocha latte' liquid caffeine. Many of us unknowingly walk around perpetually dehydrated with cells crying out for something we refuse to give them. We drink that other stuff LIKE WATER.  But when do we give our bodies the vital substance our bodies were actually built for?  LIKE –– (dry cough) –– duh –– "WATER"?


Alert: More chop busting ahead.  


Question: Would you casually put random liquids into your automobile's engine which were not manufacturer recommended for optimum performance?  Would you risk your car's engine or longevity like that?  Probably not, right?  But, we do that to our own INTERNAL engine –– our only bodies. 

We risk our organs and life longevity like it's absolutely nothing. Whatever some company shoves into a shiny, colorful can or bottle, we shove it down our throats.  Smart.  And we already know the seller is there for your money and not your health.  But you know… “intelligent life,” right?

Perhaps, our collective stupidity as a society is just another symptom of our dry, foggy, suffering, malfunctioning dehydrated brains.

From a psychological point of view, ask yourself this question. Why are we more vigilant about taking astute care of our replaceable $30,000 automobiles than we are of the priceless, irreplaceable bodies we own?  

Have you ever thought about that?  

Perhaps, our collective stupidity as a society is just another symptom of our dry, foggy, suffering, malfunctioning dehydrated brains.

So… Are we intelligent life or not?  

Well… Tell me how much water you drank today and I’ll answer that for you.




Sadly, we've actually been trained to drink for entertainment instead of drinking for health.  And if you don't resist this cultural training, which makes you refuse to choose water as the drink of choice during your daily routine, your body will develop a slow resentment toward you that will eventually blow-up into a full-on rebellion –– a rebellion against you.  That's poetic way of saying 'disease,' again.  Get the connection yet?  Dehydration = disease.

Advice:  Forget that water has no entertainment value as far as taste.  This is a medicinal choice not an amusement show for your palate.  Think of water as medicine.  And drink it as medicine.  Because, in many ways, it is.

Be as cognizant about consuming the proper amounts of clean water as you are about eating food as fuel or taking your meds.  Water is the basis of your entire body's operating system.  You'd be surprised.  Proper hydration will restore so much of your health in ways you couldn't have predicted.

Drink more water.  It's the best way to prove you are intelligent life.




There's a lot of medical bickering around the specific amount of daily water  adequate to keep a human properly hydrated. But one thing is for sure and beyond debate –– we need to drink more of it. 

There are some incredible health facts around water you likely did not know.  Learn.  Check out this beloved heath thinker/researcher, Shawn Stevenson, of The Model Health Show, giving a masterclass on the subject of water. 

Link to Shawn Stevenson here: