The Tasty Healing Benefits of Turmeric Teas


Turmeric is a bright golden colored spice usually associated with regional cuisines all over India. In case you did not know, turmeric is of the main spices that makes up the ever popular (and also colorful) spice blend known as “curry powder”.

Other than providing beauty and flair for some of your favorite Indian food dishes, turmeric is used by many homeopathic enthusiasts for natural remedy to common health imbalances––even disease.


It is purported that turmeric contains a wallop of vitamins essential to human immunity and nutritional support. It is also purported that the “daily” consumption of this tea can seriously stave off many of the major health complications that plague humans. It is even said that the polyphenols in turmeric's curcumin is a cancer cell fighter.

This golden beauty should be pulled from the back of your spice cabinet to the front and center. Turmeric as an health supplement is well worth your research and possible daily implementation. Check out my turmeric tea recipe. It’s an exotic and flavorful addition to my tea rotation.

Akil’s Tasty Turmeric Tea (Strong Blend)



1 teaspoon of high quality turmeric


1 teaspoon of organic coconut oil


1 small pinch of black pepper


A super small amount of Stevia plant powder

or liquid extract (to personal taste, as sweetener)

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Tea Time:

Add ingredients to cup then stir in hot water. Or, boil ingredients in pot then add to serving cup. Adding a tablespoon or more of almond milk can also smooth out the flavor of this delicious mood enhancing tea.


Cheers to better health, in a better way.




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